佛法小品 2024-August-08
(1) 佛法基礎
(2) 佛法進階
(3) 佛教禪修(止觀)
請看【慧眼初開】── 一本有趣難得的好書
(4) 佛經譯註
《省察經》(AN 5.57)
★Going for Refuge & Taking the Precepts by Bhikkhu Bodhi★
THE BUDDHA and HIS TEACHINGS by Venerable Narada Mahathera
覺悟之路(The Buddha and His teaching)斯里蘭卡 那爛陀 長老(Narada Mahathera)/著 學愚 法師/譯
★《學佛的基本認識》- 莊春江 編著 1.0版 ★
Buddhist Questions and Answers Book II - SEAMEO(Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization), an organization established on 30 November 1965 as a chartered international organisation whose purpose is to promote cooperation in education, science and culture in the Southeast Asian region.
A Sketch of the Buddha's Life - Readings from the Pali Canon
One Hundred Fables《百喻經》英譯本
《佛說譬喻經》- 生死真相
The Parable Sutra 英譯《佛說譬喻經》
An Interview with Bhikkhu Bodhi
Arahants, Buddhas, and Bodhisattvas by Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi
覺醒之翼──上座部佛教文獻選譯集 ──良稹中譯 "The Wings to Awakening" by Bhikkhu Thanissaro
Psychological Self-Help by by Dr. Clayton E. Tucker-Ladd. You may download the whole book for offline viewing.
Stress Management
An interview with Bhante Henepola Gunaratana -- Going Upstream
吃素好嗎? - 百度知道
莊春江編著之《阿含經故事選》共有106則。按【有聲書】可選擇(國語、台語、客家語、廣東語)等 MP3 來聽。(★★★)
"Mindfulness Defined" by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (★★★)
"The Enlightened One" by Bhante S. Dhammika (★★★)
"Meditation As a Source of Joy" by Mr. Godwin Samararatne
"Meditation Beyond All Concepts" by Mr. Godwin Samararatne
"Watching Thoughts and Emotions" by Mr. Godwin Samararatne
"The Mirror-Like-Mind" by Mr. Godwin Samararatne
"Seeing Emptiness" - A discussion between Godwin Samararatne and Upul Gamage (Godwin's successor as teacher in Nilambe)
慧光尊者(Bhante Jutipanno)的說法(普通話),可聽或下載 Mp3 (★★★)
《佛法》(簡體)-- “What The Buddha Taught by Bhante Walpola Rahula”的另一中譯本,譯者是鄭於中教授(已退休) -- 相當於顧法嚴所譯的《佛陀的啟示》
Vipassana Meditation by Ven. Dr. Aggamahapandita U. Rewatadhamma ★
★ 「出家人必具的觀念」- 慧瑩法師講 德祒法師整理 ★
‘When you know for yourselves...’The Authenticity of the Pali Suttas by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (★★★)
Stream Entry Part 1: THE WAY TO STREAM-ENTRY by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (★★★)
Stream Entry Part 2: STREAM-ENTRY AND AFTER by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (★★★)
Study Guide to the Suttas of the Pali Cannon - The Discourses of the Buddha by Leigh Brasington (★★★)
Counsels and Maxims by Arthur Schopenhauer (★★★)
Over 150,000 People Die Every Day (★)
DHAMMA RATANA By Ashin Kundalabhivamsa ( Agga Maha Kammatthanacariya) (★★★)
Counsels and Maxims by Schopenhauer Complete (★)
《悲觀論集卷》- 叔本華
"Studies in Pessimism" by Arthur Schopenhauer, translated by Thomas Bailey Saunders
哲學淺說 - 香港人文哲學會網頁
阿毗達摩講要 - 瑪欣德尊者(Mahinda Bhikkhu)開示
Abhidhamma In Daily Life By Ashin Janakabhivamsa - Dharmaweb (FULL Version in Html)
Abhidhamma In Daily Life By Ashin Janakabhivamsa - Dharmaweb (Abridged Version in Pdf)
Vipassana Insight Meditation According with the teachings of the Most Venerable Ajahn Tong Sirimangalo México, 2006 (with good Pictures)(★★★)
REALITIES AND CONCEPTS The Buddha's explanation of the world
諸行無常(Anicca Vata Sankhara)by Bhikkhu Bodhi,[中譯]良稹
What the Buddha Taught by Walpola Rahula (Revised and Expanded Edition with Texts from Suttas and Dhammapada)
Practicing Insight on your own - A Handbook for Vipassana--kammatthana
Following Nature by Ajahn Puth (Thaniyo), Translated by Sumano Bhikkhu
Seeing The Mind by Ven. Luang Por Putt (Translated by Brigitte Schrottenbacher)
SammaSati, An Exposition of Right Mindfulness by Ven. P. A. Payutto
The Meaning of Satipatthana 念處 --- 蔡淑英 提供 - 《菩提會訊》
念處的意義 (The Meaning of Satipatthana 中譯 簡體)
念處的意義_班迪達尊者(The Meaning of Satipatthana 中譯 繁體)
巴利文課誦本 〔巴。中。英〕
Daily Chanting by Anandajoti Bhikkhu
Blessing Chants by Anandajoti Bhikkhu
Safeguard Recitals (Daily Chanting book) - edited and translated by Anandajoti Bhikkhu
莊春江 - 解脫道與菩薩道(上)
莊春江 - 解脫道與菩薩道(下)
南北傳之區別.doc(簡體) - 達摩悟陀比丘.摩訶耶那比丘 著
The Way to the Happiness of Peace, Understanding the Basics of Insight Meditation by Sayadaw U Pandita, Compiled by Sujiiva
Breaking Through The Self-Deception, A Guide to Vipassana Meditation - By Bhante Yogavacara Rahula
The Way to Peace and Happiness, A Penetrating Study into The Teachings of Gotama Buddha - Compiled by Bhante Yogavacara Rahula(★★★)
情緒ABC理論 - MBA智庫百科(簡體)
理性情緒行為療法 - MBA智庫百科(簡體)
南傳中部二十二.蛇喻經 蕭式球譯
The Discourse on the Snake Simile, Alagaddupama Sutta (MN 22), with Introduction and Notes, translated by Nyanaponika Thera
THE DHAMMA MADE EASY -- A Collection of Talks on Buddhism, 1999 by Venerable Dhammasami
《中部尼柯耶》閱讀地圖_(菩提比丘) 〔若亂碼,可轉為Unicode〕
In This Life Itself – Practical Teachings on Insight Meditation by Uda Eriyagama Dhammajiva Thero
Into the Stream - A Study Guide on the First Stage of Awakening by Thanissaro Bhikkhu
30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself
30 Things to Start Doing for Yourself
7 Common Habits of Unhappy People
〔一言蔽之論修持〕 - [作者]坦尼沙羅尊者 [中譯]良稹 〔The Practice In a Word by Ven. Thanissaro Bhikkhu〕
〔The Practice in a Word by Thanissaro Bhikkhu〕 --
Appamadena sampadetha
! — such was the dying Buddha's parting instruction, which has often been translated as "Practice diligently!" But a wider reading in the suttas reveals that that crucial word
has a far more nuanced and significant meaning.
According to the author, the Buddha's real message was, "Don't be complacent. Watch out for danger. Protect the mind's good qualities. Don't let your guard down.
A Discourse on Dependent Origination (Paticcasamuppada) by Venerable Mahāsi Sayādaw | Translated by U Aye Maung(★★★)
南傳巴利《中部第22經》(MN 22)《蛇喻經》_蕭式球譯(主題談「無我」)(★)
北傳:中阿含200經,增壹阿含43品5經 南傳:中部22經 | 莊春江標點/譯(主題談「無我」)(★)
認識《正見經》,《正見經》導讀 - 釋見豪〔香光莊嚴 雜誌 第 87 期文章〕(★★★)
初期佛教解脫道概觀 — 菩提長老講解〈馬邑大經〉;自鼐法師翻譯/編輯組整理 香光莊嚴(★★★)
常聽佛友說「生命在無限的流轉中」,請問:在佛法上這應如何解釋? | YIN SHUN FOUNDATION 美國印順導師基金會 ◆
Raindrops in Hot Summer, Words of Advice by Sayadaw U Pandita;《炎夏中的雨滴》——班迪達大師的忠告〔英/中〕,溫宗堃中譯
Wise Reflection, The Importance of Wise Reflection in Meditation by Steve Weissman
無我如何輪迴、成聖 (修正版) 作者:黃家樹講 偉頤筆錄
Climbing to the Top of the Mountain - An interview with Bhikkhu Bodhi held in 2002 by BCBS(Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, Barre, Massachusetts)
The illustrated guide to a Ph.D. by Prof Matthew Might
學位到底有多重要,碩士學位與博士學位的差距有多大? - 知乎
A List Of Fallacious Arguments [93 Fallacious Arguments](★★★)
Letter to a Friend by Nagarjuna — Study Buddhism(★★★)
Letter from a Friend - Tsem Rinpoche 龍樹之親友書(英、簡、繁)(★★★)
Saints & Psychopaths (ebook) By William L. Hamilton (Bill Hamilton) 【If you have a true saint for a teacher, then you have a real possibility for spiritual attainments, including enlighenment. If your teacher is a psychopath, then you may become a programmed puppet, and you risk being sexually or financially abused. You also may lose your job, family and possibly even your sanity. Eventually you risk disillusionment from pursuing any spiritual quests.】【It's a time of great ferment and change. Living in times of change is not only exciting, but it is also a curse. Times of spiritual change are breeding grounds for both saints and psychopaths.】
Review of the "Saints and Psychopaths" ebook by Richard Bukowski
對治煩惱(簡體)_善戒法師(Sayalay Susila)
宣隆/孫倫禪法介紹(Introduction to Sunlun Vipassana Meditation) 華那大師講述 - YouTube {Oct 19, 2018 【宣隆內觀禪開示 - 華納大師(宣講)_聽譯:高師兄_翻譯:獅子_編輯:獅子_校對:Chaoben】
2019年12月加巴當國際禪修營華納大師每日開示-資訊資訊_Sunlun vipassana meditation_〔宣隆(孫倫)內觀禪修法〕
(PDF) The Doctrine of Not-self (anattā) in Early Buddhism ‘The Doctrine of Not Self (anattā) in the history of Buddhism in India’ by Nguyen Quy Hoang
衍藏法師(莊文清)_溫暖人間 buddhistcompassion 2010-6-24
A BUDDHIST'S COMPANION/ ashin.htm 【A BUDDHIST'S COMPANION - An Exposition & Selected Quotations of ASHIN THITTILA, Agga Maha Pandita, Abhidhaja Maharatthaguru, Abhidhaja Aggamaha Saddhamma Jotika, Collected from lectures, articles & talks given throughout his teaching life】
Essential Themes of Buddhist Lectures Sayadaw U Thittila Acro Dist 5 5.2 24jun01, Job 3 - thittila.pdf 【43 Chapters + Biography of Sayadaw U Thittila divided into 5 Parts: --- 1-Introductory Articles Or Talks On Buddhism. 2-Talks Involving Sila In Particular. 3-Talks Involving Samadhi In Particular. 4-Talks Involving Panna In Particular. 5-Talks Dealing With Buddhism In General】
The Meaning of Buddhism (Fundamental principles of the Theravada doctrine) by Bhikkhu U Thittila - The Atlantic (February 1958 Issue)
《佛陀的啟示》(What the Buddha Taught) 2021 增訂版(整部)_府城佛教網
《佛陀的啟示》(What the Buddha Taught) 2021 增訂版_府城佛教網【★近尾部可下載 A4-size PDF等印刷檔案】
《Vipassana Buddhist Meditation The Sunlun Way》by Sunlun Shin Vinaya.PDF to download
Sixteen Types of Insight Knowledge (Vipassana Nana) in Theravada Buddhism by Dr. Ari Ubeysekara– drarisworld
What is Buddhism? | Learn More About Buddhism | Buddhism For Beginners - Tricycle
Kalama Sutta-To the Kalamas《卡拉瑪經》 Kalama Sutta in English with translation in Chinese by 立智 Jue Man, University Of Peradeniya,Sri Lanka - Academia.edu
初學者應該思考的《學佛》指南 - 雪花新闻
Impermanence – Wikipedia
Anicca | Vipassana Research Institute founded by S N Goenka
Saṅkhāra – Wikipedia
菩提尊者-諸行無常 – 良稹_覺醒之翼 (Anicca Vata Sankhara【Impermanent, alas, are all formations!】by Bhikkhu Bodhi_BPS-essay_43)
Biographical Sketch of Alexander Michael Peck - buddhistworld.com
A Guide to Good Reasoning: Cultivating Intellectual Virtues By David Carl Wilson (U of Minnesota)【Read or Download】
Food for Awakening (The Role of Appropriate Attention) - Head & Heart Together by Thanissaro Bhikkhu
修學佛法的綱要──四預流支講義(電子書)- 開仁長老及溫宗堃老師合編 【4factorsstreamentryskrbk.pdf】
What Is Arrival Fallacy? 2022-9-14 【The arrival fallacy is the false assumption that once you reach a goal, you will experience enduring happiness.】
筆下留情(蕭雪樺):Regina Brett 的人生50課
夕陽正紅—【在變老的路上,就要這樣做】_才會…- - 搜狐_2018-9-2
Photo Dharma【Over 16,000 photographs of Buddhist archeological sites, pilgrimage centres, and temples in S & SE Asia, as well as Maps, Posters, etc. Please feel free to use the photographs to make more works with them, in accordance with the Creative Commons license on the page where you find them.】
Ancient Buddhist Texts - Downloads - Home Page【2 Diacritic Input-Programmes for typing Pali or Sanskrit by Anandajoti Bhante】
Essence Of Tipiṭaka - Vipassana Research Institute by U Ko Lay
莊春江編著之阿含經故事選 - 040.時時刻刻不染著_取材自《中阿含第一六七阿難說經》、《中部第一三二阿難一夜賢者經》。
佛陀的啟示(What The Buddha Taught) 2021 增訂版_府城佛教網
宣隆大師說過:證初果是很容易的,勇敢的芯2 2023-12-05 發佈於安徽
南傳與北傳的異同_鄧殿臣 - 上座部佛教文獻選讀 - 河南佛教學院_簡體
Street smart vs. book smart: 12 Differences by Hanan Parvez (MBA, MA Psychology)
●Sutta Number to PTS reference converter | Learn Pali Language
如實知見 Knowing And Seeing The Truth - 香港南傳寺廟/道場
初果聖者能否體驗涅磐? - 第 7 頁 - 台灣原始佛教協會
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